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Sarah here; I’m an interior designer by trade and a big fan of ergonomics. After personally experiencing the good effects that small adjustments to my own office have made on my health and performance, I launched MyComfortHaven.

It never ceases to astonish me how the proper curves, and angles, and how we use commonplace things can greatly impact pain relief and productivity. Please get in touch with me using the form below.

Hello there Henry Jones, senior editor of MyComfortHaven, consultant, and ergonomic specialist When I’m not writing or dealing with clients, you can find me outside or in the yoga class trying to counteract the negative consequences of prolonged sitting.

It’s Karen Smith. I am indeed a devoted tech gadget lover and a skilled videomaker. My responsibility at MyComfortHaven is to evaluate ergonomic items first hand and offer objective reviews.

Before providing feedback to the customers and the crew, I always make sure to use the product for at least two weeks.

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Do not hesitate to contact us for any purpose. MyComfortHaven can be reached at Gmail.

Disclosure: As Amazon Associates, we may make money on purchases made via this link.