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How High Should Standing Desk Be? A Guide To Proper Standing Desk Height [2023]

how high should standing desk be

As more and more people embrace the trend of using standing desks in their workspaces, understanding how to correctly adjust these desks has become increasingly crucial. The proper standing desk height not only promotes comfort but also contributes significantly to maintaining good posture and health. This article will guide you through the considerations and steps to determine the correct standing desk height for you.

The Concept Of A Standing Desk

A standing desk, also known as a stand-up desk, is essentially a desk that allows you to stand comfortably while working. Many modern versions of standing desks are adjustable, meaning you can alternate between sitting and standing throughout your workday, a practice known as sit-stand or stand-sit work.

The Importance Of Proper Standing Desk Height

Standing desks can bring a plethora of benefits, such as reduced back pain, improved mood and energy levels, and potential boosts in productivity. However, these benefits can only be maximized if the standing desk is correctly adjusted to suit your height and work setup.

Improper standing desk height can lead to strain in the neck, shoulders, and back, offsetting the benefits the desk was designed to offer. Thus, understanding how to correctly set up your standing desk is integral to maximizing its benefits.

How High Should Standing Desk Be? [Determining The Right Standing Desk Height]

The height of your standing desk should enable you to maintain a relaxed, neutral posture. When properly adjusted, your standing desk should meet the following criteria:

1. Elbow Position

When standing at your desk, your elbows should be positioned at a 90-degree angle, and your wrists should rest comfortably on the desk while you are using your keyboard or mouse.

2. Screen Height

The top of your screen should be at or slightly below eye level. You should not have to tilt your head up or down to view the screen comfortably.

3. Wrist Position

Your wrists should be straight and in line with your forearms while typing or using a mouse.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Adjust Your Standing Desk

Step 1: Stand Straight

Start by standing straight in front of your desk. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

Step 2: Adjust The Desk Height

Raise or lower your desk so that it is level with your elbows. Your arms should hang comfortably at your sides, with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

Step 3: Adjust The Monitor

The monitor should be at a height where your neck is in a neutral, relaxed position. If you’re looking down or up at a steep angle, the monitor needs adjustment. The top line of text on the screen should be at or slightly below eye level.

Step 4: Check Your Wrist Position

While typing or using your mouse, your wrists should be straight and in line with your forearms. If they are bent upward or downward, adjust the height of the keyboard or mouse.

Step 5: Make Necessary Adjustments

After making these adjustments, check your overall comfort level. If you’re feeling strain in any part of your body, make small tweaks until you’re comfortable.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Q1: What is the ideal height for a standing desk?

A1. The ideal height for a standing desk allows you to maintain a relaxed, neutral posture. Your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle, wrists straight, and the top of your screen at or slightly below eye level.

Q2: Why is the correct standing desk height important?

A2. A properly adjusted standing desk promotes comfort and good posture, reducing the risk of strain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Conversely, incorrect standing desk height can lead to discomfort and potential health issues.

Q3: How can I measure the right height for my standing desk?

A3. Start by standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Adjust your desk so that it aligns with your elbows when they are bent at a 90-degree angle. Ensure that your wrists rest comfortably on the desk and the top of your screen is at or slightly below eye level.

Q4: Can the same standing desk height work for everyone?

A4. No, the correct standing desk height depends on individual factors such as your height and ergonomic setup. It’s essential to adjust your standing desk to fit your needs for optimal benefits.

Q5: Should I stand all day at my standing desk?

A5. No, standing all day can be as harmful as sitting all day. The key is to alternate between sitting and standing throughout your workday. Experts suggest starting with a 1:1 or 2:1 sit-to-stand ratio and gradually increasing standing time.
While sitting your standard height of the desk should also be correct. Otherwise, it will lead to health issues.

Q6: Does using a standing desk mean I don’t need to take breaks?

A6. No, even with a standing desk, it’s essential to take regular breaks to rest and move around. This helps to relieve strain on your body and keep your muscles flexible.

Q7: What should I do if I experience discomfort with my current standing desk height?

A7. If you experience discomfort, adjust your standing desk height and monitor setup as needed. If discomfort persists, consider seeking advice from a professional ergonomist or a healthcare provider.


The perfect standing desk height can significantly improve your comfort, productivity, and overall health. It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, adjust your standing desk according to your body and comfort.

Regular breaks and variations in posture (alternating between sitting and standing) are recommended for optimal ergonomic benefits. The key to the successful use of a standing desk is balance. A standing desk should be a tool to encourage movement, not just replace sitting with standing.

Equipped with this guide, you’re now ready to adjust your standing desk and make your workspace healthier and more comfortable.

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