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Can Scoliosis Cause Hip Pain? Everything You Need To Know [2023 June]

Scoliosis, a medical condition characterized by an abnormal, often S-shaped or C-shaped, curvature of the spine, can have widespread effects on the body, causing discomfort in areas beyond just the back. This article explores the relationship between scoliosis and hip pain.

The Link Between Scoliosis And Hip Pain [Can Scoliosis Cause Hip Pain?]

can scoliosis cause hip pain

Hip pain can indeed be a side effect of scoliosis. The abnormal curvature of the spine can lead to an uneven distribution of body weight, placing excessive stress on one hip over the other.
This imbalance can, over time, result in hip pain.

Moreover, the altered biomechanics and posture associated with scoliosis can also cause changes in gait (the way a person walks). These changes may contribute to the wear and tear of the hip joint and surrounding muscles, further leading to pain and discomfort.

The Underlying Causes

The underlying causes of hip pain in individuals with scoliosis can be categorized into a few key areas:

1. Muscular Imbalance

Muscular imbalance is a condition where opposing muscles provide different directions of tension due to strength or length discrepancies. It is typically caused by an individual’s routine movement patterns or lack of movement, injury, or disease. The muscles in the human body work in pairs, with one muscle contracting (agonist) while the other relaxes (antagonist) to create movement.

In the context of scoliosis, muscular imbalance can occur as the body tries to compensate for the uneven curvature of the spine.

If the spine is curved, the muscles on one side may need to work harder or become more stretched out than the muscles on the other side.

This leads to a situation where the muscles on one side of the spine are stronger and tighter, while the muscles on the other side are weaker and more stretched out.

This muscular imbalance can contribute to the progression of the spinal curvature in scoliosis. Moreover, it can also cause additional problems such as pain and discomfort in various parts of the body, including the hips, due to the uneven distribution of forces and movements.

2. Uneven Weight Distribution

Uneven weight distribution occurs when the body’s weight is not equally distributed across both sides, often due to postural imbalances or conditions like scoliosis.

This can result in excess pressure on certain joints, muscles, or areas of the body, potentially leading to discomfort, pain, or even structural damage over time.

In scoliosis, the spinal curvature can cause one hip to bear more weight than the other, leading to hip pain and potential issues with mobility and balance.

3. Changes In Gait

Gait refers to the pattern or style of walking, and changes in gait can be a result of various health conditions, including scoliosis. Scoliosis affects the alignment and balance of the body, potentially impacting the way an individual walks.

The abnormal curvature of the spine can cause an imbalance, shifting the body’s center of gravity. This shift may compel an individual to adjust their walking pattern unconsciously to maintain balance and stability.

Gait changes associated with scoliosis can include limping, uneven stride lengths, foot dragging, or a side-to-side motion when walking. Moreover, these changes may place extra strain on certain joints, including the hips, which can lead to discomfort and pain over time.

4. Degenerative Changes

Degenerative changes refer to the wear and tear that tissues and joints in the body undergo over time, often leading to conditions like osteoarthritis.

In the context of scoliosis, these changes can occur prematurely due to increased stress on certain joints, such as the hips, resulting from the spine’s abnormal curvature.

Over time, this undue pressure can cause damage to the joint’s cartilage, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility.

Managing Hip Pain In Scoliosis

Effective management of hip pain in individuals with scoliosis often involves addressing the underlying spinal condition. Treatment options may include:

  • Physical Therapy: Specific exercises can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the hip and spine, improve balance and posture, and alleviate pain.
  • Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain medications, topical creams, or prescribed medications may be used to manage the pain.
  • Orthotic Devices: Shoe inserts or braces can help improve posture, balance, and weight distribution, reducing stress on the hips.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the spinal curvature and alleviate the associated hip pain.

Always consult with a healthcare provider for the best course of action for individual cases of scoliosis and associated hip pain. While this condition can be challenging, appropriate diagnosis and management can greatly improve quality of life.


The link between scoliosis and hip pain highlights the importance of early detection and treatment of scoliosis to prevent potential complications. Regular check-ups are vital, especially for children and adolescents, as scoliosis often becomes apparent during periods of rapid growth.

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